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Prosjektnr: 900450
Varighet: 2009 - 2010
Status: Avsluttet

Bedre fiskehelse i Nord-Norge

Den gjennomgangen som gjøres av caser og temaer i prosjektet vil munne ut i en sammenstilling og prioritering av momenter til en “beste praksis” for god fiskehelse. Disse retningslinjene skal ha stor praktisk verdi både for oppdrettere og i opplæring. Det vil også bli en sammenst ...
Prosjektnr: 900225
Varighet: 2009 - 2009
Status: Avsluttet

Foredling av laks: Informasjonsformidling i 2009

Bransjen har nytte av at det formidles resultater fra prosjekter hvor en kan utnytte dette til å bedre kvalitet og lønnsomhet i egen bedrift.  
Prosjektnr: 900254
Varighet: 2009 - 2012
Status: Avsluttet

Preventive Health Measure by Optimizing Swimming Exercise to Counteract Lifestyle Diseases of Atlantic Salmon (FitnessFish)

Expected project impact The project may have significant economical relevance for the industry. In 2005, ~20.4 million salmon died during grow-out in Norwegian sea farms (Directorate of Fisheries). If these fish had lived to slaughter size (4 kg) and their price set at 25 NOK/kg ...
Prosjektnr: 900255
Varighet: 2009 - 2013
Status: Avsluttet

Mitigating the Effects of Escaped Farmed Salmon: Combining SNPs, Lipid Acid Profiling and Statistical Methods to Trace Escapees to Origin (MENTOR)

Expected project impactThere is a strong focus on reducing the number of escaped farmed salmon in Norway. Methods that can identify the origin of escaped farmed salmon is expected to have a preventive effect on escapement. The project will be run in close cooperation with the ong ...
Prosjektnr: 900256
Varighet: 2009 - 2010
Status: Avsluttet

New tools for online overall assessment of rearing environment, stress level, and fish welfare in Atlantic salmon cage farms

God dokumetasjon av merdmiljø vil være svært nyttig for å optimalisere oppdrettsproduksjonen, redusere tap av fisk og øke kunnskapen om fiskevelferd.
Prosjektnr: 900257
Varighet: 2009 - 2011
Status: Avsluttet

Managing Texture Quality of Atlantic Salmon through the Application of Molecular and Morphologial Approaches

Expected project impactEnsure high fillet quality of farmed Atlantic salmon according to industrial and customer's preferences.
Prosjektnr: 900258
Varighet: 2009 - 2012
Status: Avsluttet

Transmission Routes and Infection Dynamics of Salmonid Alphavirus (SAV)

Expected project impactKnowledge about how the causal agent, SAV, is dispersed within and between sites will have large impact on the choice of strategies for mitigation of PD. The latter is crucial to reduce the severe threat to the economy of the industry.
Prosjektnr: 900259
Varighet: 2009 - 2013
Status: Avsluttet

Towards Selection for Increased Resistance to the Salmon Louse in Atlantic Salmon

Expected project impactAn increasing population of farmed Atlantic salmon infested with adult gravid female lice is considered as one of the threats against wild salmonid species, both in Norway and elsewhere (e.g. in British Columbia). The development of a farmed Atlantic salmon ...
Prosjektnr: 900260
Varighet: 2009 - 2011
Status: Avsluttet

Ecosystem Responses to Aquaculture Induced Stress (ECORAIS)

Resultatene fra ECORAIS vil kunne gi et bedre grunnlag for å utvikle kystforvaltningsstrategier for den norske kystsonen.
Prosjektnr: 900400
Varighet: 2009 - 2012
Status: Avsluttet

The Salmon Louse Genome Sequencing Project: Part 1

The genome will be of paramount importance for molecular approaches to developing new salmon louse treatments.